
Benefits of a Sit Stand Desk

We’ve heard health gurus say it all the time: Sitting for hours is bad for your health. This is where Eazy Desk gives the answer. With the newest developments in ergonomic office design, our automatic sit-stand desks let you live the WFH life in the way that it’s supposed to be lived.

You don’t have to sacrifice focus for the sake of giving your body a much-needed stretch or standing exercise. It’s now all just a push of a button away. You no longer have to stay stuck in your seat and risk your body to the dangers of muscle stiffness and atrophy. Transforming your home workspace with Eazy Desk is your first step to working better, and living better.

Standing Desks have been featured in

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Compare the EazyDesk Sit Stand Desks Range

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Air Lift Pneumatic Sit Stand Desk

Ideal for

  • Light Weight Use
  • Single Laptop
  • Great for moving around
  • Max 15kg

Our most affordable mechanism for moving a desk up and down, requiring no electricity. This desk moves the same way as your chair, pull the lever and the desk will raise. Pull the lever and push it down to lower. It's that Eazy. This desk is lightweight and designed for use with a laptop and small accessories only.

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Single Motor Electric Sit Stand Desk

Ideal for

  • Laptop + Monitor
  • Studying and Creative
  • Laptop Gaming
  • Max 80kg

The Eazy and affordable electric sit stand desk ensures maximum comfort and health while minimizing costs. It moves up and down with the press of a button. If you want a simple yet premium setup and are using a single screen and computer that is not too heavy, the single motor is the way to go.

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Dual Electric Sit Stand Desk

Ideal for

  • Multi Screen Setup
  • Commercial Fitouts
  • Immersive Gaming Setups
  • Max 140kg

The Dual motor system is an ideal solution for commercial and heavy-duty use and is designed to work seamlessly with a wide range of our sit stand desks, including durable melamine, bamboo, hardwood and Gaming Desks. It can lift up to 14kg, accommodating custom desktops up to 2.2m in length. This lifting system leads the way in durability, stability and comes with an industry leading 10 year warranty.

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As seen in action...

Compare our Sit Stand Desks

Lifting System TypeAir Lift Pneumatic Sit Stand DeskSingle Motor Sit Stand DeskDual Sit Stand Desk
Height Range62.5-96cm (with desktop)60-98cm (without desktop)
61.5-99.5cm (with desktop)
60-125cm (without desktop)
62.5-127.5cm (with desktop)
Gross Weight27kg (with desktop)26kg (without desktop)36kg (without desktop)
Travel SpeedDepending weight on desk25mm per seconds loaded36mm per seconds loaded
Noise LevelNo motor noise40db in motion42db in motion
Base WidthOnly suitable with supplied desktop
Suits desks 1100 - 2200mmSuits desks 1100 - 2200mm
Weight Capacity15kg80kg140kg
Input PowerNo Power240V240V
Transformer PowerN/A200W (0.1 on standby)200W (0.1 on standby)
Warranty1 + 1 Years1 + 1 Years7 + 3 Years
Hand ControllerAir Lift ReleaseSmart Controller with 3 memory
presets and USB Charge Point
Smart Controller with 4 memory
presets and USB Charge Point
Anti Collision SystemN/AYes - Limited Sensitivity. Do not rely
on this system
Yes - Commercial Standard. Both directions.
Sensitivity Adjustment
Soft Start/StopN/AYes - Both directionsYes - Both directions
Upper & Lower LimitsN/AN/AYes - programmable by user
Overload ProtectionNo PowerYesYes
Frame Only AvailableNoYesYes
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What's the difference between the desktops?

Black Desktops

An ultra-high-wearing black plastic-coated desktop ensures a modern, sleek aesthetic for your desk that looks great in all locations. A fingerprint-resistant surface helps to keep the desktops clean while also hiding dust, a great feature on black surfaces.

The ultra-hard-wearing surface makes this top perfect for your mouse to glide over without requiring a mouse pad, also providing pinpoint accuracy.

Like all Eazy Desk products, this product is Eco-Friendly, featuring a heavy dusty and moisture-resistant particleboard core (TSCA Title VI Compliant).

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Bamboo Desktops

Unlike hardwood trees, bamboo is a fast-growing grass that can re-generate in just a few years, making it a sustainable choice for Eazy Desk to have in our range of desktops. Bamboo has also been used in building materials and scaffolding for hundreds of years due to its ultra-strong characteristics, another great reason we have chosen to feature it in our desktops range!

Its beautiful finish is made up of 3 layers of bamboo for the ultimate strength, while the surface is durable, unique and has a hardwearing polyurethane coat to keep it looking good for many years to come.

White Desktops

Simple and clean without compromising aesthetics. White fits into almost any space while being easier on your eyes if you're constantly looking down at paperwork and up at a bright screen. Used in thousands of commercial offices, our melamine tips are carefully sourced to ensure lasting quality and excellent wearability.

As with our other tops, the white melamine tips in our range for our sit stand desks are Eco-Fridendly featuring a heavy-duty and moisture-resistant particleboard core (TSCA Title VI Compliant).

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